Auction House, Disable Normal Attack, Heroic Damage Display

2022/12/19 上午9:28:00

Event Ended

The event has now officially ended. As mentioned, tickets will be continued in their use, and monsters in Rifts will be changed. The way tickets will be obtainable will be updated at a later point. Ganker Balls however will not spawn, so you are currently unable to obtain more. A different mob will instead spawn which will have a chance to give you this.


Auction House Sales

You can now put up to 100 items on the auction house on a single character.


Disable Normal Attack

You can now toggle the character's automatic normal attack sequence after a skill cast. (See Image 1.)


Heroic Damage Display On Weapons

You are now able to see how much additional bonus heroic attack your weapon has (currently only difference is how much you gained from stones).

This was changed due to players misunderstanding how much heroic attack their weapon has, and how much heroic attack the stones gave the weapon.

(See Image 2.)


Bug fixes

Fixed issue causing you to not gain negative stats from item's negative stats.

Fixed issue causing Rift characters to disappear if not in combat.

Fixed issue causing Rift characters to not attack you if you are too far away.


Fixed issue causing you to move to an incorrect place when attempting to navigate an instance border, arena border or dread wastes & the center borders.